Mueller Rings in Again

This author supposedly "cuts through political spin", but he very much does the opposite. Instead, he lists the facts of the case and then proceeds to add his own opinion and insinuations to string them together.
Common Facts
Content (1)
Tim. Mag.
Robert Mueller testified before Capitol Hill on July 24
Review Info (3)
First Published: 07/26/2019 08:17:26 pm
Last Updated: 11/30/-0001 12:00:00 am
Content (12)
Trump said he was not planning on watching Mueller testify, but did tweet about it
Mueller stated his inability to talk about the origins of investigation of Russian interference in 2019 election or the Steele dossier
Trump has been insisting the whole investigation was illegal because it was based on the Steele dossier
The Steele dossier contains research funded partially by Hillary Clinton and the DNC
Mueller stated he was unable to talk about Attn. General William Barr or Congressional actions
Trump says that Mueller was interviewed and turned down for the job of FBI Director the day before being appointed for special counsel
Mueller denies being interviewed and turned down for the job of FBI Director
Mueller said the reason he did not consider presidential indictment was because the Office of Legal Council said a sitting President cannot be indicted; he later claimed this as a misspeak
Barr and unnamed spokespeople for special counsel and DOJ stated that Mueller did not indict for more grounds than just guidance of OLC
Mueller did not answer the question as to the political affiliations and donations of the lawyers who worked for him in special counsel
Mueller is said to verbally confirm Russia's involvement in the 2016 election, as well as the Trump campaign's positive response
Mueller says Trump's 2016 comments about WikiLeaks are not good
Opinion (7)
Author assigns motives and opinion when addressing Trump's tweets
One section title states "Mueller dissappointed Republicans"
One section title says that Mueller also dissappointed Democrats
Mueller was shaky in testimony
Author includes the fact that Mueller's testimony was under oath, and Trump's comments are not
Democrats were polite in their questions, Republicans were not (no example given)
Trump was pleased with the hearing
Article Info (4)
Date Published: 11/30/-0001 12:00:00 am
Date Accessed: 11/30/-0001 12:00:00 am
Article Author: Chris Cillizza
Content (14)
There was a hearing for both of the volumes of the Mueller Report
The first hearing analyzed charges of obstruction of justice
The second hearing analyzed Russia's involvement in elections, primarily in relation to the Trump campaign
Mueller legally conluded that he had insuffiecient evidence to charge the Trump campaign of collusion with Russia
Mueller legally concluded that DOJ policy made him unable to make a descision as to the validity of a charge against a sitting president
There are evidences of connections between Trump's campaign and Russia
Mueller stated that witnesses of the investigation sometimes lied
Volume I, p. 10 of the Mueller Report states that some witnesses avoided testifying, lied, omitted things, or destroyed evidence
If Mueller was given more information by witnesses, he would possibly have had the ability to charge the President
There is no certainty of obstruction and conspiracy in this case
The given evidence indicates misconduct
Trump would not be interviewed or fully answer the questions written to him
Trump tried to covertly fire the special counsel
Attorney General declared the investigation to say that Trump was not guilty of collusion or obstruction
Opinion (4)
Mueller indirectly stated that Trump had an antagonistic attitude towards the investigation which suggest that he is guilty of obstruction
Mueller's calling his refusal to indict on the basis of having insuffiecient evidence means that he has evidence, just not enough
Former federal prosecutors believe that Trump would be indicted if her were not a sitting president
Trump is a president who believes the public should be kept in the dark
Article Info (4)
Date Published: 11/30/-0001 12:00:00 am
Date Accessed: 11/30/-0001 12:00:00 am
Article Author: Joyce White Vance