This article is a rather long one, not all of which is covered in the content posts. The idea of the article is to positively cover the peaceful rally that occurred on August 8th. The Hong Kong protests started in mid-June with a peaceful mentality. Lately, they have gained more coverage as they have increased in violence. This return to peaceful protest methods is commended by the authors. Not covered below: China's reaction to the protests have been wholeheartedly antagonistic. They have not yet used military influence in Hong Kong, but have demonstrated that they are ready to do so. Further coverage of the rally proceedings highlights the peaceful nature of the rally and adds details of individual events within it.
Common Facts
Content (10)
LA Tim.
Fox Bus.
Initial protests were in opposition to the extradition bill.
Protestors want more accountability for police.
Protestors want reformed government.
The 08/18 rally did not result in skirmishes with the police.
It was raining on the day of the 08/18 march.
Review Info (3)
First Published: 08/20/2019 05:36:58 pm
Last Updated: 11/30/-0001 12:00:00 am
Content (39)
Protestors marched on Aug. 18 in Hong Kong.
Many protestors did not give out their full name for fear of government retribution.
The first kind of protestors are "the valiant" – those who are confrontational to the police.
The second kind of protestors are "the peaceful" – those who rally and march without aggression.
During large protests, police have used tear gas and rubber bullets against protestors.
Opinion (4)
The rally is unique in its continuation of peace into the night.
The rally undermines the idea the the protestors are craving violence.
The peaceful aspect of the rally eliminates an acceptable reason for China's military to become involved.
Protestors view the extradition bill as Beijing encroaching on Hong Kong's autonomy.
Article Info (4)
Date Published: 11/30/-0001 12:00:00 am
Date Accessed: 11/30/-0001 12:00:00 am
Article Author: Alice Su and Ryan Ho Kilpatrick
Content (26)
Hong Kong protests became violent again on Aug. 24.
Protestors threw bricks.
Protestors demolished surveillance lampposts.
Police used tear gas on the protestors.
Protests have entered the 12 week.
Opinion (4)
The messages of the march were pro-democracy.
Hong Kong is under more stress from an escalating U.S.-China trade war.
Trump's raise in tariffs is a reaction to China's raise on U.S. imports starting between 08/25/19-08/31/19.
The summit protestors are a smaller group than expected.
Article Info (4)
Date Published: 11/30/-0001 12:00:00 am
Date Accessed: 11/30/-0001 12:00:00 am
Article Author: Unnamed
Content (22)
On Aug. 23 Hong Kong protestors peacefully protested.
About 135,000 people participated.
Protestors made human chains throughout Hong Kong.
Their chains were parallel to Hong Kong subways.
They were across Victoria Harbor and the New Territories.
Opinion (5)
The protesors were demanding democratic reform to their govenment.
The protests have become very violent and chaotic.
A protest leader, Bonnie Leung, believes the Hongkongers are being steadfast and perservering.
Leung says China's platform towards Hong Kong won't work out.
Ted Hui, a Hongkonger legislator, believes the protestors are fighting for good.
Article Info (4)
Date Published: 11/30/-0001 12:00:00 am
Date Accessed: 11/30/-0001 12:00:00 am
Article Author: Ramy Inocencio