The author shares comments by Trump and his campaign suggesting that Trump basically dragged Bevin across or to the finish line, and if Bevin lost it would be because of himself – after pointing out that Bevin's loss has national implications for Trump. The article reports many useful facts, but shifts the story towards Trump where other articles do not. Some extra information was given that was left out of the Courier Journal article.
Common Facts
Content (7)
Cou. Jou.
Fox New.
Beshear had a lead of 5,333 votes cast with 100% of the districts reporting
Bevin requested a recanvass in Kentucky's gubernatorial race
Bevin: "We are not conceding this race by any stretch, not a chance."
Bevin: "Understand this though, we want the process to be followed and there is a process. We know for a fact that there have been more than a few irregularities, they are very well corroborated and that's alright. What they are exactly, how many, which ones and what effect if any they'll have, will be determined according to law, that's well established."
"Grimes later announced the recanvass will be conducted on Nov. 14 at 9 a.m."
Definitions (6)
Bevin: Matt Bevin, incumbent governor of Kentucky
Grimes: Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes
Beshear: Democratic Attorney General Andy Beshear
Bevin: Republican Incumbent Governor Matt Bevin
Grimes: Kentucky Secretary of State Alison Grimes
Beshear: Democrat gubernatorial candidate Andy Beshear
Review Info (3)
First Published: 11/06/2019 10:25:37 pm
Last Updated: 11/19/2019 01:00:02 am
Content (9)
"A news release announcing the request did not provide any specific example of voting irregularities, and Bevin's campaign and office have not replied to multiple requests asking for any of those examples."
"Bevin is planning a 5 p.m. press conference in Frankfort regarding the issue."
Grimes published a request from Bevin to check and recanvass voting machines and absentee ballots involved in the KY Governor's race
Bevin's campaign says the election is "too close to call"
"State law allows for a recanvassing if a county clerk or a county board of elections notices a discrepancy, or if a candidate makes a written request to the secretary of state by the Tuesday after an election, which would be Nov. 12."
Opinion (3)
Bevin's campaign cited "multiple reports of voting irregularities"
"“The people of Kentucky deserve a fair and honest election," stated Bevin campaign manager Davis Paine in the news release. "With reports of irregularities, we are exercising the right to ensure that every lawful vote was counted.”"
Grimes had said earlier she was "comfortable" in declaring Beshear the governor-elect and that Matt Bevin should "honor" the election results.
Article Info (4)
Date Published: 11/06/2019 02:41:00 pm
Date Accessed: 11/06/2019 05:10:00 pm
Article Author: Joe Sonka
Content (10)
Bevin claimed the existence of "significant irregularities" with regards to his recanvass request
Bevin: “We want this process to move forward expeditiously”
"Bevin said he would detail those irregularities at a later time, but claimed thousands of absentee ballots “were illegally counted” and cited reports of people being turned away from polling places."
"Members of both parties are allowed to be present during the recanvassing process."
"The Associated Press said it could not declare a winner of the closely watched race, owing to the tight margin."
Opinion (8)
The race had national implications for President Trump
Bevin was neck and neck with Beshear on Monday
Trump dominated Kentucky in 2016
Bevin relied on Trump's popularity to "carry him to the finish line"
"Still, when the race showed signs of teetering towards a win for Beshear, Trump appeared to distance himself from the potential defeat."
Article Info (4)
Date Published: 11/06/2019 03:00:00 pm
Date Accessed: 11/06/2019 05:53:00 pm
Article Author: Vandana Rambaran
Content (6)
Over 1.4 million votes were cast
Paine: "The people of Kentucky deserve a fair and honest election. With reports of irregularities, we are exercising the right to ensure that every lawful vote was counted"
"Pence also campaigned with Bevin across the southern portion of the state the weekend before Election Day"
Parscale: "President Trump's rally helped five of six Kentucky Republicans win clear statewide victories, including Attorney General-elect Daniel Cameron, who will be the first black A.G. in Kentucky history and the first Republican to hold the office since 1948,"
Trump and Pence each campaigned with Bevin in the closing days of the campaign
Opinion (6)
Beshear: "Tonight, voters in Kentucky sent a message loud and clear for everyone to hear," "It's a message that says our elections don't have to be about right versus left — they are still about right versus wrong."
Beshear: "I haven't had an opportunity yet to speak to Governor Bevin," "But my expectation is that he will honor the election that was held tonight."
"Bevin had tried to capitalize on Mr. Trump's popularity in the state."
"The president warned voters on Monday that the race could be seen as a bellwether were Beshear to win, telling rally-goers that a Bevin loss would send "a really bad message.""
"If you lose, they're going to say, 'Trump suffered the greatest defeat in the history of the world.', 'This was the greatest.' You can't let that happen to me!"
Article Info (4)
Date Published: 11/05/2019 10:59:00 pm
Date Accessed: 11/06/2019 08:01:00 pm
Article Author: CBS Interactive Inc.